As we get so many teeth whitening enquiries, we wanted to outline the steps involved, to make it really straight forward for our patients. Let’s go!



Teeth whitening

  1. Full Dental Health Examination with the dentist. This is of utmost importance, as we need to assess if you are suitable for teeth whitening. In some cases, we find that we need to do some preliminary dental treatment beforehand, such as fillings, removing broken roots, or anything else as necessary. X-rays are often taken to allow us to check your teeth in more detail, and we would also be looking at taking some clinical photographs of your teeth, to have a baseline record.
  2. Dental Hygienist Appointment. The next step would be to remove any tartar, staining, or treat any gum disease. This would be done with our dental hygienist, and is necessary to prevent any dental health issues from worsening before we start.
  3. Digital scanning is the next step. We use a fully digital workflow to create an STL file with images of your teeth, which is sent electronically to our dental laboratory. They will print out models using a 3D printer, and create a set of fully customised whitening trays. These will then be posted out to us.
  4. Whitening Fit Appointment. Your dentist will fit your whitening trays, and demonstrate to you how to load them with whitening gel. You will be provided with your fully customised whitening regime, and will be given printed instructions to take home with you. Here is a link to a video demonstrating how to load a whitening tray on our Facebook page. Whitening Video
  5. Whitening Review Appointment. You will be booked in with the dentist to review your whitening treatment. Further photographs will be taken, and your final result will be recorded with the shade guide. You will be given the appropriate programme for maintenance, and if any further treatment is needed, this will be discussed as well.
  6. Share on Social Media! We ask all our patients for consent to share their photos to our website and social media, and if you have agreed to this, look out on our pages for this to be shared, and then re-share on your own social media! This is the best way for us to be able to show other potential patients what we can do for them, and we appreciate anything that you share on your own social platforms. Spread the word! #indigodental

If you would like to discuss teeth whitening further, please call us on 0113 263 2960, or e-mail us on [email protected]

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