Creating a natural-looking dental implant replacement for an anterior front tooth can be one of the most challenging cases to treat, as aesthetics is so important here.
Our patient opted to replace his broken down front tooth with a dental implant, as he did not want a removable denture option.
dental implants
Stomatology illustrations. Dental implants and healthy teeth. Vector health tooth and implant stomatology, dentistry installation and fixture
So what did we do?
1. Dental CBCT to assess the extent of infection in the existing teeth, and for implant planning .
2. Extract the upper broken lateral incisor of poor prognosis.
3. Make a temporary plastic denture to provide an interim solution.
4. Place a dental implant in the upper left lateral area.
5. Let the implant integrate for around 8 weeks.
6. Digital scan to produce a provisional crown to start gum shaping and contouring.
7. Once gum shaping is compete, final digital scan for the porcelain bridge, which is always screw retained as this is the gold standard!
8. Finish off with carrying out Emax porcelain crowns to improve aesthetics on heavily worn down teeth.
It has been truly amazing to see our patients confidence increase as we worked through these steps to create the smile he wanted.
Some things really are worth waiting for 😊
To find out how we can help you, call us on 0113 263 2960 or email [email protected]
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