106 Dixon Lane, Leeds, LS12 4AD

I recently saw a lovely patient who expressed her concerns about smiling in photographs. She had retired and was spending more time with her family and friends. She told me she never smiled in pictures, as she was self-conscious about her upper front teeth.

I took some photographs and set about devising a plan for her. After further discussions, we both agreed on a treatment plan:

  1. Teeth whitening to improve the overall colour of her teeth.
  2. The upper fitting crowns were replaced with new Emax crowns, which appeared more natural and matched the shade of her teeth post-whitening.
  3. Replacement composite bonding to ensure everything looked even and aesthetically pleasing.

The patient was ecstatic with the results and is now smiling in all her photographs!

If you would like to know more about how these treatments can help you, please call us on 0113 263 2960 or e-mail us at [email protected]

Treatment carried out by Dr Sanaa Kader


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